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were still beautiful, although slightly gone by. The trees were also fragrant and pretty, though largely gone by.
   Miss Bessey, one of the fine old teachers here at Stoneham High School, says that she has counsins in Washington, on works in the Smithsonian library, and the other in the library of the Dept of Agriculture. Their names are Leila and Ruth Forbes. Haven't I heard Doris speak of one or both of them?
   I hope that Talbot comes up often. Couldn't he get Mr. Holmes to go out into the little house as he did last year? If he went out the North door, he would be secluded - there is so much shrubbery around, but, of course, you don't want to oppose him, if he doesn't want to do it. 
   I am enclosing some poppy seeds for you and Maud. I hope that she plants them early in good rich soil and has good luck with them. Just think it was a year ago now that Ralph met with his accident!
   I love this weather, I feel that I can have windows wide open and yet be warm enough. I suppose it makes Doris gasp almost.
   The best of wishes to you both, 