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I was sorry to hear that Anna Lamb was not well; and poor Sue, I am sorry for her too. When she has done so much for others all her life, it is too bad for her to have to suffer. Please give my bet wishes to her when you see her or telephone. I hope that Martie wont stir Mr Holmes up. do you suppose that he will take to the little house this year as he did last or wont he want to be that far away from you? Perhaps if you go out and sit there as soon as it gets warm enough to do so, he will come too, and gradually get used to it again. It will do him good to sit in the sun there in the doorway, but of course, it is too cold such weather as we have been having lately, but only eight more days of winter!!!

I expect Lula out to see me again next Thursday. She telephoned about a week ago. She still likes it at the Christian Science Sanitarium there in Chestnut Hill. I am glad that she is happy. 

I am going to invite Mary Ide out for a Easter, but she'll probably find she can't come. I have invited her twice before, once during the Christmas holidays, and once since, and