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13 Pomeworth Street, Stoneham, Mass
February 14, 1932

Dear Folks,

I wonder how things are going with you. Better, I hope. I think of you a very great deal. Many times when I wake up at night, I find my mind on you, and I wonder what can be done to make things better for you both. Is Mr. Holmes still keeping at his writing? Does he attempt to write letters at all? I guess I have about every letter he even wrote me. Sometimes I run across them and then think of how good he used to be about such things as well as about so many others. I have a big box full of letters and I guess your pile - yours, Mr. Holmes, and Doris's is easily the largest one. 

Doesn't it seem good to have the days so much longer? I went out for a short walk to-day, and was surprised to find it as cold as it was, for the house is so nice and warm that I had thought it must be warm outside also.

I am enclosing a folder that will tell you about a new kinds of emulsion I am trying out. It tastes to me like maple syrup, so is much pleasanter to take than the petrolager unless you happen 

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