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13 Pomeworth St., Stoneham, Mass. 
November 20, 1931

Dear Folks, 

This is Friday evening again, and I am going to write so that you will get my letter Saturday, not that there is much to write about, in a way.

Wednesday was the day of the Baptist Church fair. Mrs. Pettengill did a great deal for it, and Miss Garland and I went down in the after-noon for the selling end of it, and then Mr. P. took us down again in the early evening and we all four had a chicken pie supper. I saw a number of my former pupils there. One graduated from Wheaton College in Norton this last June and is now taking a secretarial course at Bryant and Stratton's, and her sister is a freshman at the same place (Wheaton). I asked her if she had ever met Ruth Walker Flint, now living in Mansfield, but she didn't seem to know anything about her. She is the daughter of one of the Patches of the Patch Laboratory Co., a fine family.