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get into the blood and cause trouble in the head. Perhaps you could use some of this treatment in just a simple enema treatment, but the salts and oil will help. (Don't use soap — but cooking soda or salt)

Also I find my electric pad very soothing nights when I can't get to sleep otherwise. I have it attached and in my bed all the time. When I can't get to sleep I turn on my side, lay the pad across my ribs and turn it on low heat. It almost invariably works. Sometimes I sleep all night with it on.
I wish that I could say something to help both of you. Certainly you both deserve well of neighbors, friends, and relatives. 

Any way you have my best wishes for all that is best.

Lovingly yours,

Transcription Notes:
Moved first incomplete word "wise" back to previous page to prevent breaking words across pages per transcription guidelines