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Transcription: [00:23:22]
We're not speaking about some kind of an affectionate, romantic activity. And we rely upon our knowledge of the Greek language to define the word that we want to use when we say "love". Now the Greeks used three words in defining love: The first word they used is a word called Phileo. And this is a reciprocal kind of activity. One who is loved because he is loved. And certainly we cannot say that on this basis must we love our fellow white brother because he certainly doesn't act like he loves us.

The second words the Greeks used is a word called Eros. And Eros is a yearn of the flesh for the realm of the God A syncopating, sensual kind of activity that results in boy meets girl, that kind of activity. And it is certainly not from the standpoint of Eros that we espouse the cause of love for our white brothers.

The third word that the Greeks used is a word called Agape. And when we arise to love on the Agape level, we love men not because we like them, but because God loves them and that makes a difference.
[[Audience agrees]]

When we arise to love on the Agape level, we are able to hate the act that a man commits, and yet love the man. Now we admit that this is a very tedious psychological activity. But we are going to have to be able to do it. We are going to have to be able to learn it. If we are going to be able to persevere until freedom comes, without the dreams that have been so long delayed, exploding. Mister Johnson says that the real danger in Mississippi is the rise of a two-party system. He says we only need one political party. And with one political party we will retain the conservative white vote and thus keep the negro down in this matter.


Transcription Notes:
Needs speaker names.