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Transcription: [00:30:39]

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
you know we've told them a long time ago that the negroes that were afraid of the white people down here have already gone to Chicago [[audience agreement]]

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
that the rest of us are here for the duration, as long as it takes

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
the second main reason why, there was a 6% vote that elected the present administration, was the existence of the poll tax

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
and not only do the poll, does the poll tax disenfranchise negroes, but a whole lotta white folks don't have their two dollars when time come to pay them poll taxes

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
and of course the last reason is the disenfranchisement of the negro

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
the most important reason, that we don't hear our politicians talking about any of these problems really is because they don't care

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
and the reason that they don't care is because the victims, those of us who are inconvenienced, because on the existence of these problems

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
are mostly, but not all, but they're mostly negro

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
our politicians do not care about poor people, black or white

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
because the politicians themselves are number one, they're usually the plantation owners, Senator Eastman owned one of the largest plantations in this state

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
and the white man usually finds himself as the bossman and so it is to his convenience to develop a society on our cheap labour

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
it is to his convenience to have worked us, all of our lives, for nothing

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
you know, we've felled the trees, we have drained the rivers, we have cleared away the debris and the time has just come ladies and gentleman where we are now calling for our payday

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
its long overdue [[applause]]

{SPEAKER name="Aaron Henry"}
ever since 17 and 66 we have been a part of this nation and have remained loyal to it

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
and they talking about negroes don't pay taxes

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
but we've said before, that if they gave us a tenth of the money that they're beating my grandpa and grandma out of all these years we could live forever tax free [[applause]]

{SPEAKER name=" Sam Bailey"}
now it is not so much