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Transcription: [00:35:44]
{Speaker 1}
Now, how are we ever going to get leaders of this state to comply with the law when they make a law saying whiskey is illegal and turn around and collect taxes on the commodity. [[audience agreeing]]
Now, it's our position that whiskey should be left to a statewide referendum or to local option and let the people decide what they want.
But, certainly we need to get rid of this hypocritical black market tax that places our government in a defenseless position, that places Mississippi where it usually finds itself.
{Speaker 1}
The only reason we are not 51st in a lot of things is because there are not 51 states.
When there were 48 states we were 48. When we added the 49th state we became 49th.
When we added the 50th state we became 50 and the only reason why we are not 51st is when they add Puerto Rico, we'll go down to the 51st position because of such stupidity as this.

You know, a story is told about a minister one day that was very much disturbed when Russia landed a satellite on the moon a couple of years ago and he was bemoaning the fact that Russia had captured the moon,
and was now going to begin to charge the world for the life that came from the moon and as he was bemoaning this fact about how terrible it was that they were going to have to begin to pay for their life on the moon,
one of his deacons told him to "don't worry about that brother Parson," he said; "you see we used to paying for our moonshine."
[[audience laughs]]

Now to compensate for the revenue loss, if there would be revenue loss,