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263 Auburn St., Auburndale
Oct. 25, 1946
Dear Mrs. Holmes:
Getting your letter a while ago seemed like old times. I also got the Tel.&Tel check later. Thank you for your letter and the forwarding of the other mail. I didn't know I had a bank book at the Stoughton Trust now. I can't tell where it is anyway. I thought I closed it out when I was in Florida. There can't be much in it, even if I didn't.

By the way, did you happen to see by the paper that I won $100 in the "Evervess" contest a little while ago? I had received a letter from the judges and affidavit to fill out and have notarized some time previously. so I suspected I might get something, but I didn't see an account of the prize in the paper until some one told me he had seen it. Of course in the meantime I had received the check, so knew about it even if I didn't see the paper. I sent it right in to the bank in Boston before more than an hour or so had passed.

I supposed Dorisid gets out every week-end. I am wondering how she is getting on without her folks and how they are getting on without her. As far as studies go, I don't think there is any worrying to do.

I canned the grapes Doris brought me the day they started for Washington. I certainly am well supplied with canned and jammed fruits for the coming year, having spent nearly all my free time hunting down berries, etc. Just last week Sunday I got a lot more of the tiny little grapes. These I make into unsweetened juice and it tastes good. 
This is just a short a short letter, but I did want you to know how Ienjoyed your letter. Keep well.
Love to you and Mrs. Barry. 