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started on a letter. When I once get going, it doesn't take long to dash one off. If I had the training of a son or daughter I should certainly try to encourage the habit of letter—writing, although Ruth Haudschumacher writes too much, I think. She will sit down immediately on receiving a letter and answer it. Then her poor correspondent owes her another. I said that to her cousin in San Francisco, and she replied, "Don't I know it?"

By the way, Ruth is in the kenton Hospital with some kind of abdominal trouble. Jimmie came in to tell me about a week ago. She thought then she would be out in about 5 days, but was in again and said she guessed Ruth would have to stay another week. Poor Jimmie looked tired enough to drop. I don't see how she keeps going. Ruth had called her up and Jimmie lost a day's work, which she was trying to make up by working overtime. I hope her luck will change for the better soon. If it doesn't, I am afraid she will break. 

What do you hear from Doris and the folks down in Washington? I haven't heard a word