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smell to high heaven.  They do affect some people with asthma.  If I find it is they, I suppose I shall have to work out, for she is devotedly attached to her cat.
    Mrs. Garland has been doing all kinds of things for me lately, helping me pit up curtains, giving me dishes, etc.  I have to laugh.  I really felt like giving her a good piece of my mind before I left, but I suppose it is best the way it is.

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is going so well with you.  I just hope that it continues to.  I wish that Mr. Holmes did not interfere with the heat.  It is too bad that he can't understand.  I guess that you will just have to let him tip corners and turn down the thermostat, and then change them back again when he goes upstairs.
    I am having trouble with my chest - an oppression feeling which seems not to leave me for long at a time.  I hope that it is nothing, but am wondering it it is asthma brought on my Mrs. MacLewis cats.  They