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the second part doth agree to conform to, and comply with the regulations of the United States Government, and to suffer the penalties and forfeit uses therein prescribed; upon further of their duties under this contract. This agreement to continue in force until the first of January 1866
Sallie OReilly

[[3 columns]]
Names - | Age - | Class
x Riley ORiley | 29- | 2
x Mary Ann ORily his wife | 31 | helpless
x Thomas ORily | 13 |
x Hanna ORily | 11 |
x Margarett ORily | 9 |
x Georgiana ORily | 7 | 
x Joseph ORily | 5 |
x John ORily | 39 | 2d
x Samuel ORily | 7 |
x Johnson ORily | 11 |
x Hiram ORily | 14 |
x Virginia ORily | 7 |
x Emeline ORily | 22 |
x Eliza ORily | 21 |