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Agreement With Freedmen

This agreement made and entered into between George. W. Ballentine of the first part & the undersigned labourers of the second part, The said G.W. Ballintine for the considerations & on the conditions & stipulations hereinafter mentioned agrees to pay to said labourers 1/2 of the Cotton crop raised on the plantation known as the Crawford Place near Shufordsville & G W Ballentines plantation on lake Cassidy for the services of said labourers for the year 1865 He furthermore agrees to furnish their bread team and the necessary tools to carry on said farms and forage for said team free of charge, any other supplies furnished to be taken out of the labourers interest in crops The Said labourers of the second part in consideration of 1/2 of the cotton crop raised on said farms agree to cultivate the crops entrusted to their care both corn and cotton to the best of their ability & to carry the cotton on hand to market & to perform all other reasonable labours required & do furthermore agree should they voluntarily absent themselves from the cultivation of the aforesaid crops or shall neglect or refuse to perform the labour herin contracted for