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Memorandum of Agreement entered into on the 1st day May 1865 between F.T. Cooper of Jackson Miss., and Henry Green a freed laborer.
1st. The said Henry on his part agrees to perform such reasonable service and labor as may be required of him, about the garden, yard or premises of said F.T. Cooper to make himself generally useful as "a man of all work," to go errands, haul wood &c as may be necessary.
2nd. The said Henry further agrees to require his wife, Ellen, to perform the duties of Cook, washer &  ironer for the family of said F.T. Cooper; also to require his daughter Millie to act in the capacity of nurse and House maid for the same; and also to require his son, a youth of 15 named Phil, to do such service as may be required of him for the benefit of his said employer. The said Henry further agrees that he and the members of his family above named shall faithfully perform their several duties, preserve continually a deportment of strict obedience and respect to their