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Memorandum of an agreement between NE Hairston and the Labourers contained in the annexed list for their services for the remainder of the year 1865- Said Hairston on his part bargains & agrees in consideration of the services of said Labourers from the present date to the 31st day of December 1865 to pay to them the said Laborers one fifth part of the corn cotton sorgham & peas now growing on said farm to be divided equitably among said Labourers according to classification & also furnish them with houses fuel food clothing & medical attendence - And the said Labourers on their part bargains & agrees to use proper diligence & industry & faithfullness in the cultivation of growing crop on the farm of the said Hairston & the gathering & preservation thereof - To do & perform all labors necessary for the use & benefit of said farm - to take proper care of all tools entrusted to them, also to take proper care of all stock on said farm & also to perform every duty [[illegible]] on them as true & faithful labourers - As witness our hands & seals this the 20th day June 1865 
N.E. Hairston (seal)

We the undersigned Witnesses do hereby certify that the above contract between NE Hairston and the Labourers contained in the annexed list was made & agreed to in our presence and executed as there stated 
H. J. Shipley
James A. Hughes

[[writing over page]] Approved E.P. Bennett Asst Pro Maj Freedmen [[/writing]]

Transcription Notes:
There are a of illegible words and names. Corrected most