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Memorandum of an agreement between J.T.W. Hairston & the annexed list of Laborers Said Hairston on his part bargains & agrees to pay the said Laborers, one fifth part of the growing crops of corn & cotton. When gathered to be decided equitable among them according to their respective classifications. Said Labores on their part bargains & agrees to labor faithfully & diligently in the cultivation of said crops to do & perform all labor necessary for the care and gathering of said crops & for the use & benefit for said plantation to be responsible for tools implements for use of said farm also proper use & care of all stock on said farm
The said Hairston furthermore on his part bargains & agrees to furnish food, clothing, fuel houses & medical attention to said labores
Witnesseth our hand & seals this the 17th day of June 1865
JTW Hairston {L.S}
Lewis J Hills Agt {L.S.}

[[2 column table |Names  |age ]]
|Dan X |50| 1 child 4 yrs old
|Charlotte X |17
|Judie X |20
|Henrie X |12