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is much hope in the awareness of the need of correcting these evil practices through education, through association, through selectivity, and through human understanding.

The greatest that came to society because of World War II has been in the cause of human progress. If that progress were in science alone, then man would be well along the way to self-destruction. If that progress wore in money-making alone, then he would have become a gross beast that would probably destruction. But if the great conflict of the 1940's has made humanity "One World Family", then it has set the feet of mankind well on the way to a March of Human Progress.

Many factors have contributed to these changes. Many experienced publicists have been kind enough to credit the "Americans All" Radio Program with a fine service in creating an awareness of Civil Rights and human rights.

Many contemporary thinkers from unusual sources have made marked contributions. As an example, I like to recall a letter directed to me from a citizen of the state of Georgia - Mrs. Helen Dortch Longstreet, widow of the Confederate General James Longstreet. This letter, read during the occasion of the celebration of the First Anniversary of our broadcast at Hotel Statler two years ago, stated among other things that:

"In two World Wars the roots of the tree of liberty have been nourished by the rich blood of black men, fighting under the flag of a country that fails to give them the protection of the Bill of Rights of the American people, which are eternally the right of mankind. We cannot continue this scurrilous course towards the colored citizens of our country without branding ourselves before the world as a nation of arrant braggarts and hypocrites."

Mrs. Longstreet then quoted Henry Grady, the greatest Southern liberal editor, as follows, that is, in respect to the Negro: "Let us give him his uttermost rights."

As with Mrs. Longstreet, so have other contemporary liberals helped to start this March of Human Progress and the liberation of unwholesome racial attitudes.

If America is to progress and be made a better place in which to live, Democracy must be cut loose from the binding shackles of racial bigotry, color, discriminations and religious prejudices. And, this can only be accomplished when you, as citizens of this great country concern yourselves with the welfare of American by working for the advancement of your fellow citizens; you must advance your fellow citizens by bringing them from the wilderness of selfishness, greed and prejudice to the green pastures of brotherly love.