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1868 Monday, January 6. Writing, but sick as possible letters from the Major. Today Leedie delivered the Eulogy on his friend Jordon. He is ambitious and is appreciative of talents hence he possesses, but he does not exert himself to originate, or yet to search out for himself enough. He is maleable in an intellectual sense and in an atmosphere of the kind might expand & I think he will yet make his mark. His faults are those belonging to youth, and are only such. 1868 Tuesday, January 7. I spent an impatient day waiting for Evening. I sat and listened to Dickens. He acted as only Dickens can, he knows his characters so thoroughly that he and they are inseprable when acting "Mr Peggolly" was grand his genius never emitted a purer ray than when it covered the old rough sailor So simple, and yet so honest. "I saw him as I have often see him sleep at School with his head resting on his arm. It was so naturally bold that we all saw him. He is himself!" Pickwick was memorable.