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1868 Sunday, March 8. Not feeling well to day. In afternoon went to church at the [[Advent?]] found it closed after went to Mrs. Clarke's found they had poor Francis packed away in ice. It is horrible to be put up in that manner. I think humanity too sacred to be so roughly handled, yet in some cases death renders the nearest and dearest so repulsive to the senses that science gently interposes to reconcile the defects. In the evening I went to hear Mrs Dall she is an able woman and gave a us a rich treat. 1868 Monday, March 9. Beautiful day, went out to Roxbury to Mr Garrison his house is built on a high rocky hill a wild romantic scenery. His parlor is adorned with sculptured busts of himself and the kingly orator Phillips and portraits of Thompson and Phillips and himself Lincoln Washingon here. In [?]] are Liberty and [[?]] scenery. There were several Albums among the portraits of [[?]] [[?]] In the afternoon the funeral took place. Dr. Lathrop spoke most touchingly of the solemn occasion.