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1868 Monday, March 16. Took my book to Mr Lee's today and was very kindly received by him I pray for success. In afternoon Leedie came seeming quite happy and on the best terms with himself. He took me to the Entertainment for Phil Smith's Benefit. I can not think much of any [[?]] of [[?]] Mr. Greener near Dickens' Christmas Carol. I saw Mr Trotter there and Mr Miller for the first time It rained very hard as we came out. I tried to make believe Pete & I were [[?]] 1868 Tuesday, March 17. Took a walk to day and went to Studio Building to meet the Walcott ladies of the Society by whom I will be employed I found them young and rather hesitating in their manner. I liked them very much as they meant to be kind. To day being St Pat's day the Irishman was in his glory and made his parade an all day nuisance. Leedie came and spent the afternoon and evening. I went with Mr Nells Brown to the Templars entertainment. The tableaux and declamation were excellent.