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Wednesday, March 18.

Home reading Maculey's today. Nothing of interest intervening. Leedie came and spent the afternoon. In evening I read until bedtime and finished the volume.

I am feeling very nervous about going on the boat tomorrow.
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Thursday, March 19.

Went to Church to see Dr Miller and Miss Cooley married but they as I was too early I could not wait so went over Chelsea to Mrs Needman's Got home and heard about the wedding being very cold. In afternoon Leedie came to say goodbye he to go to New Bedford I to go to Providence [[we he was?]] [[?]] [[confectionate]]. Went to Lawyer Mims and he sent his office by to take my bundles.
I met Mrs [[Broling?]], Mrs Needman and I started for Portland at 5 O clock. Miss [[Sibly?]] the stewardess is very fine looking and has [[?]] [[?]]. She is a Catholic.