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1868 Friday, March 20. Arrived this morning in Portland and found Elbridge waiting for me, went up to Talbots and was warmly recieved by them all. They are all married now, and I am left alone. Maddie has a large house newly built and is in very prosperous circumstance. Angie is newly married and is as a matter of course very happy. I am much pleased with Mr Ayres her husband I hope they will continue happy. The City is being rappidly built up, but so many wooden buildings. I am astonished at the fact. The line Jake set in tonight [end page] [begin page] 1868 Saturday, March 21. Portland A heavy snowstorm is on us I left the Boat to go to Talbots and it was almost impassable. Not a soul in the streets but us and the snow blinding us as we walked. I was soon at home. How they laughed at me for going off last night! I sent a letter off home today. I had a good sociable time in the house as it was snowing too much to go out. This is certainly the most sudden and the deepest fall of snow I have yet seen. Mrs. Newman came in. we had music and singing. Angie played & sang some old songs of other days for me. My wreath is still kept!