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13 Pomeworth St., Stoneham,
April 18, 1930

Dear Folks, 

The letter that came this week was certainly a good, rich one,, – one from each of you, and I don't know how many from Doris.

Monday forenoon I was called up from Winchester and asked if I wished to come over there to substitute. I taught Monday P.M. and the rest of the week; and, as the principal said to-night, I earned my money. All the imps of the nether regions are in the young ones, I should think. I am glad that to-morrow is Saturday. If I had to teach, I think I should take to the river. However, the money will come in handy.

About a week ago now I went down to the Fellsway and got some hepaticas. I expect that they may be out in good shape by this time. I hoped to get down and get a little bouquet for Mrs. Pettigill's Easter card, but if the weather remains bad, I shall not.

I got an Easter card from Doris yesterday enclosing a check for $5.00 for my birthday. I think she is very generous. I have not made up my mind just what I shall buy with it. I have a number of things to buy, but I don't expect to hurry about