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This letter has just come.

13 Pomeworth Street, Stoneham, Mass, 
April 8, 1930

Dear Folks, 
It has been a long time since I got that nice letter from Mrs. Holmes. I was ever so glad to hear that the dress fitted. It was one that Berenice sent me. I did not want it, and was at a loss to know just what to do with it. It seemed too bad to give it to some one to cut up for children, but I was not sure that it would be big enough across the shoulders, but thought it worth sending to you for a tryout anyway. It was easy enough for you to pass it on if it didn't fit. I am very much pleased that it did, however, and that it came in so handy. 
I left the Otts' a week ago yesterday to go out to Jimmie's for a few days, and then came back to Stoneham. It seemed strange that all the time I was gone my room had not been used until the Monday before I returned. When I telephoned Mrs. Pettengill that I was coming back Saturday, all seemed right, but when I did not get my papers corrected until about five o'clock that night, and so was late getting my packing done, Mrs. Ott suggested my staying over until Monday, and I was only too glad to accept her invitation. Then, of course, I had to telephone Mrs. Pettingell again that I was not coming. She said that she had been looking for me all day. When I told her that I should not be out until Monday, she said that she probably would not see me then, as she was going out to Madeleine's. Madeleine and the baby were coming back with her Tuesday. Then I told her to have Madeleine use my room (it is hard for her to have to go up to the third floor with the baby) and that I would go out to Auburndale for a little visit. I got back in time to see the baby, just the same.
I should like to see Doris's baby too; wouldn't you? Of course that is a foolish question to ask. When is she coming home again; have you heard? Is it definitely settled that they are going abrosd [[abroad]] this summer and that you are to care for the baby while they are gone? 
I suppose that the plants and flowers are pretty well out in Washington now. They are pretty well advanced here even. The crocuses in town are lovely, and the buds on the lilacs, forsythia, and hedges are well along. Aren't they early this year? I imagine that Mr. Holmes and the others are out doing road work now. If they don't go at it too strenuously, it may be pleasanter than staying inside these pleasant days.
By the way, has the census man been around yet? I plan to be taken in Stoughton. When I was in Auburndale the other day, a woman called who was bound and determined to find out all about me. She was not satisfied when I told her I was merely visiting, and would be recorded in Stoughton. She finally insisted on giving me a blank to fill out. Possibly I shall fill it out and mail to you if I don't get out before long. If this good weather holds, however, I shall probably see you ere long. 
I hope that you are well, and taking good care of yourselves.
All good wishes, 

The English violet you sent was fragrant still when it arrived. 

Transcription Notes:
last handwritten note needs to be transcribed handwritten note transcribed