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Dr. Ott is to go across to read a paper at a medical convention at Liege this summer, He plans to go to England, France, Germany, and Switzerland  He will go to the Passion Play while there too.
I imagine that he will enjoy his trip immensely, as he is the kind who easily make friends, and who appreciates worthwhile things

To-night, at the church, pictures of a trip up the Hudson and through the Berkeshires are to be shown; and next week moving pictures of places in some European countries are to be put on. They should be good.

One day this week I saw tulips and narcissi up several inches.  I suppose that yours are up too, and that the crocus bulbs have sent up leaves and, possibly, some blossoms. Soon the birds will be back. Doesn't it seem good to think about them?

Have the Blakes sold their house? I was almost hoping that they would sell it to me on a small down payment and mortgage arrangement, but I guess I am too late as usual.

Has Mort Lamb done anything with his picture copies yet? I should like to get the exclusive right to sell them.

No more to-night.

Love, Lena.