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Miss Garland also left at three for her home in Portsmouth. She, however, will get back Monday P.M. She had had a tentative offer of an auto ride home, but said she hoped she could get off before any one called up to say anything more about it, as she really preferred to go by train. Sure enough she did. She left about 10 minutes before Mr. Nadeau called. It would have been a disappointment to me to miss the ride, but not so with her apparently. She has just bought a new desk, part mahogany and part greenwood. It has 3 drawers underneath and 3 shelves above for books. It is really very attractive looking. She got it for $55.00. I am glad she spends something on herself and not everything for her folks.

Did I tell you about buying Aunt Maud's fireless cooker? When it came, one of the kettles, about 3 1/2 inches high and 9 in diameter, was missing, so I wrote for it.