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first a $50.00 check, and then a $10.00. I have asked her to send no more. I think they have enough to do to keep their own family going as things are these days.

I heard a song sparrow about a week ago and this morning I heard a robin calling before I got up. I suppose you heard them long ago. I was in to the doctors last Wednesday and weighed myself. I couldn't tell just how much I had gained but about a pound and a half since my last sickness, I should think. Now I am started on the upward grade, I think I may keep on steadily. I am looking well!

I was glad to hear about your reelection and hope you will make the work easier for yourself this year. It almost seems as though you had enough work in connection with the assessing and the banks without the store, but I suppose you would hate to give it up and have to let Jim Capen go? I think you owe it to yourself, however, to not keep too much on your hands at one time.

Did you get a new radio? I couldn't quite make out by what you wrote whether you fixed up the old one or not.

I hope that Mrs. Blake is happy. Did you say it was she or Mrs. Holmes who got cold in the snow?

Miss Garland still barks a little. I think she doesn't really need to. She doesn't raise anything. She has a little tickling or irritation and so coughs. She had a woman doctor come to see her when she had her cold