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plants, etc. Doris says the robins bluebirds and others are arrived in Virginia. They will be here before long now.

How is Maud, Ralph, and his mother? Is she still at the Cameron's?

Elsie Simonds, the girl who had the epileptic fits, has been taken to an institution in Palmer. She got worse in her mind grew weak. I suspect she is not living or won't live long, judging from what Mrs. Pettengill said.

Will you send me the Christmas presents on top of the piano that came from Williamstown? There was something else I [[noticed?]] but I can't think of it now. – I wrote to Doris yesterday. I hope you are both well. Don't work too hard! All good wishes!

13 Pomeworth St., Stoneham,
March 15, 1929

Dear Folks,

I got another letter from Doris yesterday in which he said you expected a letter from me concerning the bank. I intended to get one off on time, but didn't, but I am enclosing a check now which I hope will cover the amount I owe you and the bank too.

dues, Dec. – April $25.00
fines 1.00
Loan 50.00
Total $76.00
interest 1.25

Thank you for seeing to the payments for me. If this doesn't cover everything, will you let