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me know?

I came back from the doctor's this Wednesday. I did not get all over my neuritis, but I got to feeling so much better I thought I could get along out here if I did nothing. I get easy meals and lie about and read most of the time. To-day I went out for a short walk too. If the weather holds warm, I think I shall gain more rapidly. I don't think that I shall try to go to Washington, however, An ordinary train ride is hard on me, and, besides, I want to be here where my things are so when I feel like doing a bit, I can.

I think the baby is lovely. Doris has sent me several pictures of her. She certainly is fat enough. Doris writes about the entertaining things she does.

I am glad that you were reelected as an overseer if you wanted to be. At any rate you can retire if you want to. I hope if you keep on, you wont work as hard as you have other years. Mrs. Ott's brother is one in his home town, but he has a regular position in Boston, so I guess he doesn't put the time on the work you do, nor any wheres near it. You shouldn't for the pay you get.

I suppose the spring flowers are beginning to come through and that you will soon be planting and setting out