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Bungalow Village,Bristol,N.H.

Dear Folks, 

How is every thing going? I hope that Doris and the baby and all of you are well. I am feeling better than I was. Cynthia has done a good job preparing Ovaltine for me and getting me stuff to eat. Gordan, however, has kept me anxious the last few days with a badly infected finger. Mrs. D. did it up for him last night and it seems a little better to-day.

I am sending another fifty dollars to-day to apply on the loan. I am also depleting my stock of goods. Let me hear how all of you are. 

I got the blankets in good shape. Last night I put them on the bed, or rather Cynthia did for me. Did you get the other two lots of money all right? I am thinking of sending some bank books a and other papers to you or of mailing them to myself and leaving them in the sealed package. 

I am sending Gordan down with t this this morning, so must not stop to writ [[write]] much. 
