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Raymonds for 75 cents each,so don't feel very extravagant,when I consider the comfort and ease of washing them. Then I got 2 more pairs of 10-cent store cotton stockings,so as not to have to mend all the time. 

Unless I hear something further on this morning's mail,I plan to go up on the nine o'clock bus to Manchester tomorrow morning;stop off there to see Alice ,and get a few things, and then go on to Bristol. 

I feel as though there was something I wanted to tell you,but I can't seem to think what,so will have to wait until next time. 

I hope Mr. Holmes has got over his stomach trouble. I shall look forward to hearing from you;please tell me if you don't feel well,for I shall want to know. 

I hope this gets off on the morning mail. 

Best wishes.Don't do Sullivan's work and yours too. Let it go and let the selectmen see the mess they made of things in appointing him. 
