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I wore my new scarf for the first time to-day when I went up town. It was very nifty-looking as well as comfortable.

13 Pomeworth St., Stoneham,
March 23, 1928.

Dear Folks,

Friday is here again. The weeks certainly do fly by.

I am sitting in the attic in the sun. It takes the pain out of my shoulder and arm better than anything else.

Last night the wind blew a gale into my room, but I had 2 hot water bottles, my electric pad, a pillow and shawl to my back so I was glad of the breeze and good clear air.

It won't be long now, I suppose, before you will be starting work on the road. I hope that you will have good weather. Do you think the new man will be any good?

Miss Dawson has been sick, so the woman where she was boarding