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I think it is somewhat better to day. Hanchie had been out three weeks from a bad ankle sprain he got when he fell backward down some stairs with a hunk of meat on his shoulder. Jimmie said it was black from his knee to his toes. I think he was lucky to be working for his brother, for he will get damages through the insurance his brother runs, and got his regular pay besides.

I am taking 2 courses in the University Extension work and have registered for a 1/2 correspondence course. I could keep busy all of the time on them if I wanted to, and as my arm is, it is about all I can do. I am enjoying them very much so far, but of course I haven't done enough in them yet to tell for sure.


What magazine was it Doris sent you for Christmas? I am taking the American Magazine. I like that very much. There is a good variety in it. 

I wish I had some papers I have in Stoughton out here. I might pass at least one of them in for criticism. I think that Doris would enjoy the correspondence course. 

I got a letter from Miss Dawson the other day. She has not heard anything about the money, and I have not [[?]] up to go to the probate court, although some one told me it was in or near Lechmere Square. Some sunshiny day when my arm lets up, I shall take a trip over probably.