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I feel like throwing up the job and telling the whole bunch what I think of them. At first I thought of walking out that night and not returning, but Mr. Nadeau didn't seem to favor anything rash, and I thought I might lose my money and some of my friends if I did, but I am planning to resign with a thirty days' notice if I don't get my reelection, and let the reelection lapse if I do get it. In the meantime I feel ready to blow up, as I guess you have guessed by this time.


spanked her finally. She claims that he has no right to do that, that he isn't her mamma. She was still calling for her mother when she returned. I had been afraid she was sick, but she went to sleep right after Jimmie had gone in and spoken to her. Sunday I took her to church, but she had a very, very bad cold. I asked Jimmie to let me know how she came out but I haven't heard from her. 

A week ago last Thursday two other teachers and I took 37 pupils in to see Macbeth played. Four boys skipped in an auto by themselves and made me short on bus fare, but I have it all now but 50 cents. Oh! how I love teaching! How would you like to turn the store into a lunch room and let me run it? 

Keep well and don't work too hard.

Best of wishes,