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[22 May 1926]

19 Everett St., Stoneham,

Dear Folks:

I am keeping warm by running the oil heater. Did you ever see such weather? I suppose you will keep a fire going in the kitchen stove.

I am glad the car has gone, but I am sorry that you had to work so hard over it. I expected whoever bought it to pump up the tires; I didn't think of your putting that one back on; that was too much work altogether. If I had known you intended to do that, I should have told you not to. It was more than enough for you to take the things off. I am glad it is gone, and won't make you any more work. I think you did exceedingly well on it, too. Many thanks, and more later. 

I have been busy every day and afternoon and at least one evening all this week until to-day, when I stayed home and did little things and rested. Mrs. and Mr. S have departed I don't know where, and "Brother" woke me up tearing about the house like a perpetual earthquake. I don't usually say anything to either of the children by way of correction, but I did go out a little while