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just as I drew the towel across my shoulders, and before breakfast was over was so swollen, stiff, and grasping, I called Porter up and told him I wouldn't be at school. I spent the day in bed getting up only to wait on myself at lunch time, and when I got so achy I couldn't be any longer, but Wednesday I made my way up to school again and staid despite difficulties. Thurs. Miss Garland went down with the flu, and  Friday a second high school teacher on our floor. We had a man substitute in who couldn't manage the youngsters. Mr. Everson is in the South on a vacation. Altogether we had a grand old time. About half the pupils are barking their heads off too. Our teacher had 10 out of her room alone on Friday. I am wondering what tomorrow will bring forth.
My boys were more than cutting up with the substitute. Some of them on the 5th period were supposed to be in gym, but sneaked in to his room for study instead. When Miss Bessey (acting high-school princ.) sent them back to my room, they were quite disgusted. The last period, however, they were to be in his room anyway, but Miss Bessey had planned with me to keep as many as I could in my room, the worst ones anyway. When they started across the hall and I headed them off, telling them to study "in my room for to-day," they were more than disappointed. What they had up their sleeve for him, I don't know, but chewing gum was a minor activity I judged from the fact that one boy's mouth was pretty well