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a little sewing - setting pieces into the seams of my tan dress.

I am glad Doris and Sid are getting settled again. I take it they didn't go house hunting after all.

Did I tell you that Uncle John died - about three weeks ago now? I didn't go up to the funeral. I thought it over and not feeling well - together with other considerations gave it up.

Miss Dawson's letter that you sent me - thank you - says that the doctor has told her she will never walk again. In her last letter she also said that she had kidney and heart trouble. She wanted me to get material for 2 wheelchair jackets for her, but didn't specify material or price, so to-night I sent her two samples. She is going to make them herself. She does well with a stiff leg, and hands all out of shape, I think.

I do hope that you are taking things a little easy.


Enclosed is $5.00 for co-op dues.