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leaked, the inside of one especially was rather mucky when I took it off.

To-day I have not been out, but have been trying to catch up. As yet I haven't, but will some time, perhaps. I have burned, or destroyed all cross-word puzzles to that end!

I like my new place. It seems like home - the other - least said, the better, I guess. 

I am enclosing postage for the package you sent. Is it enough? 22ยข

I hope that you are both well.

Best of wishes, 

19 Everett St. Stoneham, Mass.,
Feb. 8, 1925.

Dear Folks, 

It is almost bedtime. I have been writing and writing letters, but I am going to get a little one off to you before I stop. Some have got to be put off for another time.

I have been commissioned to write the pageant for the 200th anniversary celebration here next June. I hope to keep the assignment. I love to do the work. Mr. Burrell, the director,