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have got more out of it the other way. She seems anxious to please me now. I don't know how long it will last, though.

Is Edith Mayland  home yet? I hope nothing very serious will be the outcome of her sickness.

I don't suppose I have said half I should, but I have been on the jump ever since I got back, four after-noons at school last week and three this and three evenings. Sunday P.M. I went in to the library to work and was horribly sick to my stomach coming home. When I got in, I found Aunt Maud had called to say there was a death in the family. It was Uncle John's. I was undecided for a day or two whether to go to the funeral or not, but was really in no shape to go up to Chaconia, so at last stayed here.

Now I will close knowing you will excuse this short scribble, as I must to get to bed.


Transcription Notes:
Need location name at end of letter