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a chicken if that will be satisfactory to you. I think that I shall come out Tuesday after-noon and come in town Wednesday night from Stoughton for the lecture.

I am enclosing a letter Doris sent me. I am ever so glad they are so well settled, - good office, good tenement, and new car. Now if they can keep well, all ought to go off satisfactorily.

I hope that you can read this and make some sense out of it. I am too tired for much connected thought.

19 Everett St., Stoneham,
November 19, 1925.

Dear Folks:

I hope that this letter will reach you before Saturday night. I intended my postal of last week to do so, but it seems it didn't.

I have been feeling better this week. I went in to the doctor's last Saturday evening and guess the medicine he gave me has taken away some of the fatigue but my head still is stopped up. He is to examine the nose