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passage this Saturday for any possible polypi. He says he doesn't think there is any, though. 

Last Saturday after-noon, Mrs. Simons, another teacher and I went to see "The Miracle". We were not very greatly impressed by it. This week I wrote two papers for the Lit. course I am taking in town, Tuesday I put my marks on report cards and office records, yesterday I went in to my course and to-day to the dentist, and tomorrow I teach 3 periods in the forenoon, watch exhibit in hall from 3 to 5, go back in evening at 7, from 7:30 to 8:30 teach 3 different classes for exhibition and then go to hall for Education week exhibition entertainment. If there is anything left of me then, I intend to come home and crawl into bed. 

It was ever so good of you to jack up my car. I think that I can get Uncle Ed to take out the battery and take it down to Laurence's before it is too cold. I have been worrying somewhat about the jacking up. Thank you very much for doing it. 

About the Thanksgiving turkey- What makes you? I will bring out