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[20 Dec. 1920]

Wednesday Evening

Dear Folks: 

I was sorry to hear about the broken back but hope it is better by this time. How did it happen?

I am still having a fierce old time with my cold! I never had a much worse one but I hope to get over it some time. I don't think I shall get to strengthen much before Christmas time if it hangs on, however, for it does certainly take it out of me to take that trip back Sunday night. 

Caroline James, now Mrs. Handschumacher, living at 171 Chestnut Ave., Jamaica Plain, has invited me for  some week end so I thought I might go down this week and see if I could get help from doctor and dentist.

John Hollis has grown a lot and has a nice little stubborn way all of his own so I guess he is going to turn out to be a real boy after all.