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Dear Mrs. Holmes: 

As usual the tel. and tel. check came promptly, and, just as usual, I have delayed thanking you for sending it on, but I always do appreciate your doing so. 

I suppose you enjoyed those good warm sunny days we had some months ago when all the green came out so quickly 

but I didn't put them on until the last minute so hope the odor won't penetrate the fruit.  John Hollis told me of a rubber chemist who has the job of tasting the water in which these synthetic rubber rings are stored.  If they taste badly they are discarded as jar rubbers but kept if tasteless.  What an awful job!!

Doris sent me a very pretty peach-colored bath towel for my birthday.  It came early but I didn't open the parcel until the 22.  She picks out such beautiful colors.  I still have a piece of flowered dress material she gave me when I was in Stoughton -  the prettiest I ever saw - it almost seems. 

I hope you are both well.  Good news from Europe and good weather soon, I hope. 

Lots of love, Lena.



Transcription Notes:
these two pages do not run together