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Wed. Eve.

Dear Folks,

Saw about changing my Bible for perfect one, got some blankets, curtain material, and a new coat, went out to Jimmie's and came back here - all yesterday.  To-day I made up 5 models in accordance with the letter you saw and sent them off - took all day - now I have a letter ready to dispatch too, and am scribbling this to you to mail at the same time.

I had a very nice Christmas.  Thank you!  I hope you did too.  Mrs. P. is very tired, but has gone in town to-night just the same.  I am so pleased with myself to think I for once thought of something - and then did it, but I am tired, so guess I will get ready for bed.  Be good to yourselves.  

I supposed Doris' letter has come by this time.

All good wishes!