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time, but I don't know that it makes much difference for all that.

I have been having a busy time too only my time has been put in in fighting.

Friday P.M. Mrs. W. and I had a bad falling out.  We got into an argument again about ways to cook things - she maintaining that there was only one "right" way to cook things and I claiming that the right way was the way people liked things done.  She was so very positive and pompous, - finally averring Mr. W's superior qualities and Epicurean tales to be the criterion that I got huffy and finally told her that just because she thought he was perfect was no sign everybody else did, that I didn't consider it an honor to be called an epicure anyway, etc, etc.  Finally she got in the last word by saying that it was like a chicken's trying to tell a hen how to lay an egg.  I was mad for sure at that and wouldn't speak to her except when I had to for the rest of the evening which I spent in my own room.  She fussed around and got supper, making bran muffins for me etc., but I was not to be placated.  Sunday morning I got up late and went out to my aunts and cousin's.  Yesterday evening she was out when I came home but later in the evening came in with candy and we have been friendly since but I still stick to my room pretty closely, so you see I achieved one good thing out of it and I don't much expect to hear much more about Mr. W's heavenly qualities which I know to be perfect not but of that I can't brag, of course, yet.

I am enclosing a picture of my cousin's baby taken when she was about 5 or 6 months' old