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one mass of frowsiness to-day. I don't know whether or not I shall ever get it up to-morrow in time to go to school. Perhaps I had better do it to-night. To-day I had a cleaning-out spell with the result that the top of my table and my closet look somewhat better, but the drawers are still in a mess as are some of my clothes so I bid fair to have enough to do for some time to come.

Last week Mr. Millington suspended four boys and is asking us not to let up in our discipline. We are getting some of the satisfaction we have long yearned for now, but I don't dare to crow for I don't know how long it will last. I have a list of girls' names ready for him to-morrow. They were defiant too. I hope he puts them through their paces. They are not in my classes I am thankful to say, but were hanging about the