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yesterday after-noon and evening and once to-day as they had no school. That rule doesn't apply to secondary schools or I shouldn't have to lose my half pay. 

Yesterday I didn't get down to the doctor's to have my head seen to but the night before he said it was getting along nicely. The place itself is not bad I guess but down below there seems to be to be a hump which is somewhat painful but it may be just that old trouble I am always having with my neck.

I don't know what I am going to do about giving up my room. The lady hasn't cleaned it for ages and it is a filthy sight. I thought maybe I would tell her I would give it up the 17th or 24th but I don't know.

I wonder if Abbie would like my couch back. I will sell it this time at any price she sees fit to pay if she really wants it but I don't want her to take it just because she feels under an obligation. I just thought it would be decent to give her first chance that is all. I am tired of it and would rather give it to the Salvation Army or Morgan Memorial