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so queer without anyone around to speak of.  On the Common in front of the Y.M.C.A. that were the remains of a fire in which a number of settees with iron frames had figured.

You have probably seen an account of the telacine powder throwing and the destruction of hats.  I came home early and did not go in again so escaped it all.  I worked on some little muffs, finishing two and to-night I have beenw working on the little brown coat which I hope to finish to-morrow night.  I finished a bonnet Monday so feel quite pleased with what I have accomplished so far.

I have chestnuts every night.  For supper to-night I had boiled sweet potato, creamed cauliflower, buttered chestnuts, bread, cheese and our apple and milk to drink.

The teachers were all cross and disgusted with Miss L. for having kept us in Mon. when all the other schools were out and this morning in assembly when she said that she didn't feel she ought to apologize (I can see her ever doing such a thing) as Mason Street had not notified her and asked what time they