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But as I wanted to go for a walk early in the day, she got her dinner started and we took the car to the park, and spent about two hours down there.

When we came back, her roast lamb had not even browned, nor the string beans cooked, so things had not burned as she had somewhat feared they would.  Sometime after three we sat down to roast lamb, mashed potato, string beans, celery, cranberry jelly, raspberry jelly, coffee, cheese and crackers.  It was the first time I ever tried Rochefort cheese,


and one taste was enough for me.  In the evening Miss G. wanted to get another meal, but we compromised on tapioca cream sweetened with brown sugar and a sandwich and some little crackers.  Oh! but I was stuffed!

The days are growing so much shorter now that unless I hurry from school, I don't get in much of a walk before dark.  This P.M. at school a man from India, who speaks excellent English, gave a talk on customs and life in India.  He was very good.  At 4 o'clock I was supposed to go to a course in "Educational Sociology".  I skipped it