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that Mr. Millington last year had said I might encourage the children to buy books for themselves and that, seeing this particular play advertised at 15 cents a copy, I had got it and that the children were already at work on it.  I told him I didn't know what to do.  He advised quietly dropping it for a while, but, since we are in the midst of it, it would seem strange, it seems to me.  I am almost of the opinion that I will tell the children the whole thing.

I may get home next week-end but I almost doubt it.  What with the cold I already and my liability to get more if I go out, I shall probably wait until the weather is more settled.  I think that we shall have an early spring, though.  Don't you?  I almost feel that we have seen most of our snow.  I may be mistaken though.

Saturday is initiation of ΑΔΠ [[Alpha Delta Pi]] members.  Many of the old girls are coming back, but I have not the clothes I ought to have for banquet purposes.  However, I may go in to the rooms during the after-noon and run out to Stoughton afterwards.

There!  I have stopped writing long enough to get my handkerchiefs out.  It looks like a storm but it's still quite warm so it may be rain.

I am still teaching evening school, but the course we have been taking ends next Tuesday unless there should be an examination on paper.  Those who take it and didn't take any last summer are eligible for a $50 raise.  Melba asked Mr. M. if those who took courses during the summer and who are taking this too would get the extra raise.  So far he has consistently refused or evaded an answer.

I filled out a blank and sent it in to the State House signifying my desire for a change next June.  I should rather like a year off to go west in, but I am sure of nothing except my determination not to come back here.  Mr. M. does not bother me at all compared with Miss Leadbetter but he has not been and is not now, so many think, a success.  I don't think I need to kowtow to him.  I can do other things than teach if necessary.

Best wishes - Lena.